Example Pages

Currently only available in Dutch.

Table of Content

Reader's guide explaining the structure of the book and necessary material to get started.

More practice Math, rekenboek, beter rekenen, foutloos rekenen.

Theory explaining conversion factors including a red rule block which should be memorized.

Rekenboek, More Practice Math example page, foutloos rekenen, beter rekenen

Converting distances assignments with worked out answers.

More practice Math, rekenboek, beter rekenen, foutloos rekenen.

Converting volumes assignments with worked out answers.

More practice Math, rekenboek, beter rekenen, foutloos rekenen.

Examples blocks in green demonstrating how to move decimal points for surface area conversions.

Theory explaining ratio tables.

More practice Math, rekenboek, beter rekenen, foutloos rekenen.

Worked out examples of ratio tables assignments.

More practice Math, rekenboek, beter rekenen, foutloos rekenen.

Fractions assignments.

More practice Math, rekenboek, beter rekenen, foutloos rekenen.

Multiplication of fractions assignments worked out answers.